
How to use teamviewer between phone and computer
How to use teamviewer between phone and computer

how to use teamviewer between phone and computer

As soon as you install the app with the necessary settings changes on the target device, the app goes incognito which means that the target device owner would not get to know about the installed phone monitoring app.Here are a few advantages KidsGuard Pro has over other phone monitoring apps. So, why not try the function on the free Demo ? KidsGuard Pro will be amazing you. View deleted messages : You can view the messages through the dashboard even if the target user deleted the data on the phone.Īfter reading the features above, maybe you are still skeptical about the functionality of this tool.Remote controlling : You can record phone calls, capture instant screenshots, and take secret photos on the target device without the user getting notified.

how to use teamviewer between phone and computer

Phone files access : You can gain instant access to all the phone files including call logs, messages, photos, contacts, app activities, keylogger, calendar, browser history, and video thumbnails.

how to use teamviewer between phone and computer

With the geofencing feature, a virtual boundary can be created and if the target device user crosses this boundary, you would get notified. You can even find the location history of the target device through this app.

  • Location tracking : This app is inbuilt with GPS that helps you track the target device’s location remotely.
  • 15+ social media activity records : You can monitor the app like Snapchat, Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, Wechat and so on.
  • This app comes with a set of powerful features that are given below:

    How to use teamviewer between phone and computer